Download a copy of this worksheet (it’s an Illustrator-friendly PDF)
Using the vector drawing software of your choice, fill in all the cells of the empty grid you see sprawling before you. Each cell should represent the numerical value denoted by the column using the retinal variable corresponding to its row.
Note that each retinal variable has two rows devoted to it: construct a distinct ‘rule’ for how to encode the values for each and try to make them as different from one another as possible
Off to the side draw a key or legend that would allow a viewer to ‘decode’ the original number based on its visual representation
Get started on our first real project of the semester
Retinal Variables
Come to class with an Illustrator/Sketch/Figma/etc. version of your worksheet with two variations for each of the retinal variables.
Export a PDF version and add it to the Retinal Variables folder. Name your file using the first part of your school email address (for instance, mine would be called cswineha.pdf)
Each day, find a number of interest and then design a poster for it in one hour or less. Add a new PNG of your poster to your folder in the shared “Nothing but a Number” directory . Be sure to record the source of the information in the image’s caption (including a link).
Come to class in next week with all seven of your posters printed and trimmed, ready to be pinned up.